Progress Update

I have decided to post my updates at least once a week on Sundays.

So let’s jump into it!

I started a new vision program 4 weeks ago, and I am happy to report some of my results.

While I had learned a lot from different teachers and courses in the past, I felt something was missing. I would always get SO close to clear vision and then something would happen. I’d stagnate or go backwards. I mean, clear flashes are nice and all, but not when that’s all they are. They stopped being exciting to me, I needed more, and I needed to figure out a way to get this stuff to stick.

So I decided to switch it up. I highly recommend if you are sticking with only one specific course or one specific teacher and your results start to stagnate or slow down, to start looking into other courses/teachers. Even just reading a book by someone different can make a huge difference. Everyone has a different way of explaining things, and you never know which explanation will give you that “Ah ha!” moment.

I highly recommend if you are sticking with only one specific course or one specific teacher and your results start to stagnate or slow down, to start looking into other courses/teachers.

So after start a new course I realized:

I just needed to do two things:

1) keep a proper consistent morning and evening routine

2) stay conscious of my habits throughout the day.

I know it seems simple, but even a simple routine makes a huge difference.

What am I doing?

The morning routine has been pretty rigorous, a whole 40 minutes of finger tapping, nose drawing, eyebrow raises, light blinking etc… (including 20 minutes of palming, though sometimes I just do 10 minutes if I am in a hurry). I have been able to stick to it about 95% of the time.

The night routine has been much easier, which mostly just requires 6 minutes of swinging and some palming before going to bed. I also have a whole wind down routine I do, which doesn’t take long and requires turning off all electronics 30 minutes before getting ready for bed and reading a book (and no I don’t do this as much as I wish I did, I was a bit better about it in the beginning but lately….).

I have added other things into my routine such as a bit of shifting and sunning, but I have mostly been able to keep up with doing the morning and the evening routine in addition to being conscious of my habits throughout the day and practicing  my most useful techniques such as the imagination technique and swinging a small dot inside of a very small object or letter.


Feeling in my Eyes

In the beginning I could really feel the stiffness in my eyes as I did the swing, and the more you become aware of the strain in your eyes the more apparent this feeling will become. As the weeks went by this stuck feeling became less and less unless I felt this very loose feeling of my eyeballs in my head. If I didn’t do much swinging one day I would feel the strain getting a bit tighter, and so I would do more swinging to help unwind the uncomfortable sensation.

Better Sensation of the Swing (All Day, All the Time)

I also started to get more familiar with the sensation of the swing. I would notice that in the swing when your attention moves toward an object it seems to pull against you at the same time. You shift your attention to the right, it moves to the left, you shift your attention to the left, it moves to the right. I started to play around with the feeling, making it smaller and smaller and practicing putting it further and further away.

Clarity on the Chart

I have multiple charts in my house, and one chart I have placed on an enclosed balcony that I am separated from by a glass door. My contrast has improved greatly as I can see this chart better though the glass door, even when there is glare such as from a light. The words on the chart have continued to get darker and darker to where I can read the first top 4 lines much better even at night. I have another chart that is inside the room and I have mostly focused on the top 3 lines on the chart as well (at night especially), but have noticed that my attention is more pulled towards the 3 lines below it, which I can also see more clearly, especially after closing my eyes and imaging it swinging for a bit first.

Seeing Neon Sign in the Distance

Additionally, I can sit even further away from the computer when I type. It’s easier for me to allow the words to come more into focus, I used to have much trouble doing this—especially first thing in the morning when I needed to prepare some documents for printing. And I think the most marked difference is a large red and white neon sign that says WANSHOW on the front of a tall building far away from me. It used to be nearly impossible for me to even imagine that sign clear, and now a bit of blinking and swinging brings it more into focus so that I can read it without any trouble at all. It’s even more clear when I don’t consciously do anything.

 So compared to my months of trying to figure things out, I feel I have improved much more steadily in the past 4 weeks. Let’s see how things continue in the future! I will continue to report my progress in the hopes to let you all know that: Yes, you can heal your sight!

Yes, you can HEAL YOUR SIGHT!


Progress Update - Mental Shift


Why Start a Routine?